
Tori Grant Welhouse

When he summons her

the gears of her heart freewheel.

That’s what she remembers—

careening behind her ribcage.

No brakes to the thing

set in motion by some

immutable guylaw.

Depend on it, he says,

blowing smoke from a gourd,

hollowed-out calabash,

voice creeping

righteous in her ear,

This will turn out swell for you.

He slides across the desk

a Separation Agreement.

All she can hear are s’s,

scapegoat slings

c l o t t i n g ophidian eyes.

Tori Grant Welhouse is a writer, poet and professional woman living in rural Wisconsin, in the woods overlooking a small, still pond. She holds a BA in English from Carroll College (Wisconsin) and an MFA from Antioch University International (London). Her poetry has appeared in Literary Mama, The Greensboro Review, Melusine and is forthcoming in Glassworks and Verse Wisconsin. She has managed in media for the past two decades and am currently at work on a collection of poetry and a YA novel. This is Tori's second poem to appear on Anderbo.

  fiction    poetry    "fact"    photography
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